A Detox

Do you need to do a detox?
Please check the box if you have this problem:

  1. Do you offer suffer from headaches or migraines?
  2. Do you sometimes have watery or itchy eyes, or swollen, red or sticky eye lids?
  3. Do you have dark circles under your eyes?
  4.  Do you sometimes have itchy ears, earache, ear infections, drainage from the ears or ringing in the ears?
  5. Do you suffer from excessive mucus, a stuffy nose or sinus problems?
  6. Do you suffer from acne, skin rashes or hives?
  7. Do you sweat a lot and have strong body odour?
  8.  Do you sometimes have joint or muscle aches and pains?
  9.  Do you have sluggish metabolism and find it hard to lose weight or are you underweight and find it hard to gain weight?
  10. Do you often suffer from frequent or urgent urination?
  11. Do you suffer from nausea or vomiting?
  12. Do you often have a bitter taste in your mouth or a furry tongue?
  13. Do you have a strong reaction to alcohol?
  14. Do you suffer from bloating?
  15. Does coffee leave you jittery or unwell?

Your score =   /15

If you scored less than 4 you are unlikely to have a problem with detoxification.
If you scored between 4-7 you are beginning to show signs of poor detoxification and need to improve your detox potential.
If you scored 7 or more it is recommended that you need to improve your detoxification process.
Please contact us. We will provide a detox protocol and dietary solutions that fit your condition.