Lack of Essential Fats

Are you getting enough essential fats?
Please tick the box if you have any of the following:

  1. Do you have difficulty learning?
  2. Do you have poor memory or difficulty concentrating?
  3. Do you have poor coordination or impaired vision?
  4. Do you have dry, unmanageable hair or dandruff?
  5. Do you have dry, or rough skin or a tendency to eczema?
  6. Do you have brittle, easily frayed or soft nails?
  7. Are you often thirsty?
  8. Do you suffer from PMS or tenderness?
  9. Do you suffer from dry, watery or itchy eyes?
  10. Do you have inflammatory health problems such as arthritis?
  11. Do you have high blood pressure or high blood lipids?

Your score =   /11

If you answered yes to more than 4 questions, you may have a deficiency in essential fats. Essential fast cannot be made in your body and has to be obtained through diet. Check that you are eating enough oily fish, nuts and seeds (raw and unsalted) and healthy oils.

We can support you through customized dietary  supplement program. Please contact us.