Supplement Stores

In addition to nutritional counselling, we provide completely support to your well-being and optimal health through partnership with the science-based and clinical evidenced supplement companies, which specialize manufacturing professional graded products we trusted–high efficacy, no GMO, no dairy, and gluten-free . Some of these trusted companies provide to our clients with convenient online stores. Our client can order by themselves through our linked online stores, anywhere within Canada.

1. Metagenics company offers free shipment and additional free education  and some benefits when you place an auto-refill order within the linked online store, which is special for our practitioners’ clients.

A Deep Dive into SPMs:


2. If you wish to go with the following professional graded brands of supplements, you can send message to us, we are able to support you and satisfy with your expectation.


3. This company offers free shipment when ordered over $100 with our practitioner code. If you wish to heal yourself with extracted Chinese herb products, This company’s products is your first right choice.
