Insulin Resistance

Are you insulin resistance?

  1. Are you rarely wide awake within 20 minutes of getting up?
  2. Do you need tea coffee, a cigarette or something to get your going in the morning?
  3. Do you really like sweet foods?
  4. Do you crave bread, cereal, popcorn, or pasta most days?
  5. Do you feel as if you need an alcoholic drink on most days?
  6. Are you overweight and unable to shift the extra pounds?
  7. Do you often have energy slumps during the day or after meals?
  8. Do you often have mood swings or have difficulty concentrating?
  9. Do you fall asleep in the early evening, or need naps during the day?
  10. Do you avoid exercise because you haven’t got the energy?
  11. Do you get dizzy or irritable if you go six hours without food?
  12. Do you often find you over react to stress?
  13. Do you often get irritable, angry, aggressive expectantly?
  14. Is your energy now less than what it should be?
  15. Do you get night sweats or frequent headaches?
  16. Do you ever lie about how much sweet foods you have eaten?
  17. Do you ever keep a supply of sweet food close to hand?
  18. Do you ever go out of your way to make sure you get something sweet?
  19. Do you feel you could never give up bread?
  20. Do you think of yourself as addicted to sugar, chocolate or biscuits?

If you answered “yes” to 10 or more questions, there is a good chance you are insulin resistant and are struggling to keep you blood sugars even.

To help improve insulin sensitivity you need to eat 5 small meals a day with high quality of protein, complex carbohydrates, and fat at each meal. We can support you with speicific solutions through customized dietary supplement program.  Please contact us.